So here is how it all happened. It had been a normal week. I was very bored, very tired, it was cold again and I just WISHED every second that I was back in Jamaica. Christina had been waking me up every morning so I could get on some sort of schedule and have some accountability in getting up and getting the day going. I would wake up, tell her I didn't like her for waking me up, opt out of a shower and struggle to the coffeehouse. There Christina could make me do my Bible study and see that I didn't fall back asleep...naps are NOT ok for one who doesn't sleep well at night anyway.
So I got my muffin and mocha and balanced them carefully as I looked for a good spot to camp out for the morning. I decided on a comfy chair in the tree room, which was only occupied by two ladies and their two small children. I thought I would be able to work a little and could watch and be entertained by the kids if all else failed...and I was right.
The kids wreaked havoc on the coffeehouse and their mother. She was chasing them all over and in and out a lot, getting them snacks, further entertainment and going to the bathroom with them. In those times I would have short conversations with the other lady who introduced herself as Rhonda.
She asked me what I was studying and could I possibly be getting any work done with all that was going on in the room. I laughed and told her I was used to it, that I had lived with 5 kids, that I loved kids and that I was only focusing half-heartedly on my Esther Bible study anyway. She told me that she had just finished a Beth Moore book and how great she thinks she is. She told me about a lady named Priscilla Sharp (I think) who she might have liked even more than Beth Moore and we just chatted some more. I continued to read, they continued to chat, and one more time we got into a small conversation.
She asked me about church and somehow we got on the subject of people, friends, and being in Athens although you are no longer a student, how hard it is to meet anyone and etc. Then out of nowhere she exclaimed, "Oh, You have to meet William!" So I laughed and said ok and thought nothing more about it. A nice lady who meets a sweet girl... she of course knows a perfect boy. I thought she would never really call, (she just met me this morning (poor guy if she does!)) But seriously, when Julie came back in the room she shared her brilliant idea and they took my number and said they would be in touch soon...this was Thursday morning.
Sunday night was Restoration. And though THAT should be a whole nother blog entry...I had a voicemail when it was over. It said that William's best days were Monday, Tuesday or Saturday... to let her know what works for me. Well, I still had Freshmen to do on Mondays and I was baby sitting on Saturday...but Tuesday would work. I waited a few days before I called her back. Then we played phone tag, texted a little (which THRILLED me because anyone who knows me, knows I LOVE to text...) and set it up for Saturday. I called and cancelled baby-sitting for this. Huge.
SO a few days before, Christina and I worked on my outfit options and Friday I got a text that said, "Last Resort, 6:30 tomorrow night. Excited to see you again." Julie and her husband would be joining us. I was thrilled about that, he knew them, I knew her a little, another was going to be no big deal.
I decided I would at least like to know this kids last name so I could effectively facebook stalk him before hand. I texted Julie, searched and became his friend and wrote him a message the night before. "Hey! So...we are going on a little date tomorrow night..." is how it began. He wrote back, I felt much more relaxed and then...on to the outfit. You ALL know where my priorities lie.
I had so much fun playing dress up! I haven't had a fashion show since Abbey West really! We just assumed that I would be wearing a dress, it was just which one and which accessories I would choose. So we first went through all of the choices of dresses I brought out and eliminated the ones that just weren't right for this. I tried on several that WOULD work and chose ones that made me feel good and were comfortable...WHEW! I settled on a new dress that was brown with white polka dots and was happy about my choice. We then, finally, moved on to accessories.
I tried on different pant options... I decided I would be most comfortable if I WAS wearing pants, and then it would be less likely that I get cold. The classic jeans just didn't look right, so Christina suggested white pants. I tried on some of hers and though they were way too long, I remembered I had white capris at home that I would be comfortable wearing. I stuck with the everyday wear for jewelry, my pearls and pearl earrings, and Christina let me borrow a CUTE pair of shoes that made me a little more fancy than my brown flops...and I wore a white jacket that made me feel like Hannah Montana!
Then, it was time...and it was raining. There was no parking because of some Human Rights Festival that was going on downtown and all of the streets were blocked off. The ones that weren't blocked were one-way streets that did NOT help me get closer to Last Resort. I was mad because I was already ticked off and the DATE hadn't even started. I ended up parking and walking, in the rain, with a rain jacket, and the rain flattening my hair...(oh, the hair got left down, no barrette, no bow, no headband...) but STILL arriving before everyone else.
We all got introduced all around and were seated. I was really excited because we were on the outside covered area, it was cool, but not cold and we were outside! We all chatted for awhile before we ordered. Everything was moving slowly at Last Resort, so we all had ample time to talk to each other. I talked a lot to Julie and he and Chris talked a good bit. I enjoyed just listening and observing, typical. We talked a little about ourselves, what we were doing he told me about leading worship and youth at his church and I told him about looking for preschool jobs and Jamaica. We talked about where we were from, how long we have been in Athens, where we went to school, where we lived and roommates, etc...just very chill.
Afterwards when we went up to the register to break up the bill (yes, he paid) I checked my phone and had a message from Christina suggesting that I invite him to come play cards afterwords at their house... He lives in Whitehall so I just said, "Some people are playing cards in Whitehall if you want to come..."
SO he had to run home and pack some because he was leaving for a cruise the next day, but he said to text him and he would come up. He did NOT walk me to my car, but I got over that...and we both drove home. I met Christina and Stephen and we talked all about how everything went...then I told him to come on up for a little poker. We played poker and Nertz until almost 11:30. It was fun.
He left, we texted, talked about doing something again as soon as he returned from his trip and that was it!
As soon as he returned from the cruise he texted me and we hung out the next day at the we are...the date.
My summation in award-receiving fashion. I would first like to thank the girls in my Bible study, Esther, and Beth Moore. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement and accountability during the time we've been studying together. I got so very excited to tell you all about the date as soon as it happened and thank you all for your prayers! If it weren't for "Esther" I may not have stumbled upon this opportunity at "such a time as this."
I thank God for his timing and his love for me and desire to give me good gifts.
I would like to thank Two Story Coffeehouse for allowing me a space to study in [peace], for being a place where friends can meet...and dates can be set up!
Thanks to Rhonda and Julie, for doing all of the logistical work to get me ON this here date, and for being so excited along with me! Thanks to Julie and Chris for coming with us so everyone would be so comfortable at dinner that night...
Thanks to Stina and Stephen for their care and outfit game...and expert opinions.
I think that might be all!