Friday, February 20, 2009

Daily Schedule

So for those of you wondering, I have quickly established a daily schedule, so here is what it looks like.

8:30 (ish) I wake up, I follow my morning routine which posted on the counter. If you haven't seen my boot-camp-manual that holds my list of routines, you are missing out on a good jaw drop. But here is a sneak peak: I fold my blanket, I sleep on top of my bed so there is nothing to make up. I put on the dress I have decided to wear (chosen the night before) and wash my face, my hands and brush my teeth. This takes all of 5 minutes.

Breakfast on the base is served at 6:30 so seeing as how I don't EVER make it to THAT... [Becca stop reading] I mix up a little powdered milk (this is the Jamaican-ized routine) and pour it over a nice bowl of cereal. For those of you curious, the super market here DOES have Capn' Crunch. So I "teefed," Jamaican for "stole" (get it, sounds like theif-ed) a bowl, spoon and knife from the kitchen and keep it in my room. I brought my own dish soap so I am golden in the breakfast department! Sometime I like sit sit in a swing and eat breakfast overlooking the Bay.

From 8:30-12:30 is my time. I use this time to relax, read from either of my two syllabi, and pray. I have been trying to get caught up in my Esther Bible study--I miss all of my fellow group members! I have also been reading a book called Living Your Strengths, which TALKED about Esther today, coincidence? I can swing, sit out in the sun on the grassy hillside, or tomar el sol by the poolside.

At 12:30 I get lunch and have meaningful conversations trying to get to know the people here and learn from everyone who crosses my path. That is sort of more of a theoretical thing than what is actually happened so far, until now I have mostly been learning names and trying to figure this place out. I have realized that if I don't fully understand the chain of command somewhere, if you can't explain to me the hierarchy of how a place is run, I don't like it. I need to understand WHO is in charge here. And no ones really in charge HERE.

After I eat... I can tell lots of stories already about what I've eaten, NOT my favorite aspect of another country... I stroll (taking my time until 1:30) back to my room to make sure I have on sleeves, closed toe shoes (much to my chagrin) and my favorite apron-that-I-brought-from-home. At 1:30 I report back to the dining hall for kitchen duty...the sickest of all duties. No pun intended. If you know me at all, put me ANYWHERE but a kitchen.

So far I have had to stick my hand, day after day, into lukewarm, murky-with-food-remains-water...and wipe down tables. Then I have to start again, but with the dishes-that-many-people-have-eaten-off-of and about the time it takes me to get over it (which is no small feat...and about an hour...) I'm supposed to move mopping...which is STILL disgusting because all I do is drag that SICK, dirty, raggedy dust mop soaked in-gray-water-and-who-knows-what-else.

So after kitchen duty (which I haven't even scratched the surface there was a pool of animal blood on the kitchen floor--OK I'm really moving on)...I find Aaron and work for him doing grounds and maintenance work...MUCH more my speed...except when he had me shoveling, hauling and spreading mulch. You want to know what I NEVER want to do again is MULCH.

From 3-5:30 I do work for Aaron, then I wash my hands (and usually arms and face) and go to dinner...which is more like a snack 6 most nights.

Then from 6:30 to 7 I usually attempt to bathe. That usually involves washing my feet and the occasional washing my hair. If you noticed the pattern, there is not a time when I get my entire body wet at the same time. I avoid THAT like the plague. The water is cold! I hope all of the freshies coming down are ready for the CIZNASTYFUNKOLD showers!!! Stina, that was for you.

Then from 7-10 I do pretty much nothing. I come use the internet, I watch a movie in my room, I will wrap up and go swing (because when the sun goes down it is cool) read some more or just go to bed. 

Tonight is movie night with the girls and there will be brownies. I am just excited to have human interaction after 6 PM. Really.

The dts kids are really young, really kids. I haven't really gotten to know many of them, but maybe that will change. I'm also thinking of sitting in on some of their classes. Tomorrow I will be finishing painting numbers on all the room doors--be excited UGA team--shiny new numbers on your doors...and I will be using one of Malachi's paintbrushes. Malachi is a 4 year old little boy, to clarify, and has about the smallest paintbrush we can find around here. He doesn't like me (because there is younger competition) but has graciously decided I can use it--though it's "only really" meant for painting on paper. 


  1. Even though some parts sound challenging...I know you are going to look back on it all and be SO glad you did it!!

  2. What an adventure!! I love your stories!! I love you!

  3. Love the schedule!! It all sounds so great (except kitchen duty, YUCK). What is the time difference between Jamaica and here?? (So I can imagine what you are doing RIGHT NOW)

  4. Spear-Dawg, you are hilarious. I especially like hearing about the kitchen episodes!

  5. your attention to detail is brilliant
