Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Month and Life Recap

Bulleted list style--

*I had 6th laser hair removal treatment (of 9). It was the worst pain imaginable...though I've never really experienced any terribly painful things...broken bones, stitches, labor...still. TERRIBLE. I would love to insert an analysis of my treatments but I'm not sure how to most effectively do so: No numbing cream on #1, #6; Numbing cream used on #2-#5; Allergic reaction on #3 and #6...leads me to the reaction isn't numbing cream related at least... Um, treatments #1, #3, #6 were in Buford, #2 at Perimeter and #4 and #5 were in probs not the location--BUT both times I reacted I had a technician named Grace. Pretty sure I don't ever want her again...Enough of that

*Had one really happy shopping day at the MAll of GA, got lots of good deals on cute clothes, stayed strong and did NOT give in to Dippin' Dots (This. Is. Huge. People. I GO to GA games FOR Dippin' Dots (and cheerleaders, sun and cute tailgating clothes.) I almost go to Six Flags for the Dippin' Dots...almost.) Discovered Charming Charlie. Accesory store. Words don't do justice. It is worse than HOBBY LOBBY for my retail therapy. I got an AWESOME green necklace and earrings this time. (I'm going back Friday)

*It has been the most beautiful, warm, sunny March I have seen in YEARS!!!

*I didn't get to go to was very sad. Please ask for tradgic details...

*I had a birthday. I'm 27 years-old

*I have gone a little crazy sewing and have made 9 new skirts...I can't WAIT to wear a different one every day of the summer!!! Maybe if I were a picture poster I would show you...Maybe one day I will become a picture poster...

*My friend Sarah returned from Africa when she found out she has cancer. I'm thankful for the time we've gotten to spend together in the days she has been back! God is working miracles!

*Lots of friends are having babies--I LOVE me some babies (but I'm so glad they aren't mine :))

*I am WELL...After 4 months of being sick, I am well. No medicine, no fever. Just in time for allergies.

*Let's see...enjoying preschool, really loving my kids and half days!

*I will never EVER dog sit ever again. Enough said.

*I got a big tax return...and then someone fraudulently used my debit card. So...I'm waiting on a new one and taking care of all my automatic bill pays...Boo...

*6th annual Restoration happened. Attended with my dear friend Christina...but it was still just sad.

*SSI friends visited, that was just sad too...

So basically I am just cramming in one more post this month. I really could have/should have written a post about each one of the events listed above but I didn't. I MIGHT try to do better next month. (I'm 2 days early for that to be an April Fool's joke...) All in all, it was a nice month weather wise, financially, and socially (but for maybe 3 occasions). It was a bust anxiety-and-all-wise...but here's to next month--His mercy is new every morning!


  1. look at all this positivity! Go Ray!

  2. I am very impressed by your abstaining from Dippin Dots. I think that shows a lot of self-control and personal growth. :) That's too bad you have given up dog sitting. I told Lola you were going to be her new mom the next time we leave town, now we are going to have to break her heart. When are we going back to the shady-deck lake house??!

  3. HAHA my WV was bossese. That's like a female boss. A boss-esse. You're not the bossese of me!!!
