Well, I have made it through ten years out of highschool. It is incredible to me that it has been that long already. I can't believe that the kids who are graduating this year were my last group of cheerleaders at Mini-camp...I can't believe that it has been a decade since I've cheered [but don't let that fact fool you into thinking I don't wear my uniform every few months OR still know the cheers.] Speaking of cheers, it has been so funny hearing the cheers my softballers come out with and the ones I have pulled out of nowhere from softball days. The best was last week when I overheard on of them saying to another in the dugout, "Coach Catherine doesn't like us to do that one, she said we are banned..." I just smiled and thought, at least they hear SOMETHING I say!!!
I went and it actually wasn't the end of the world I imagined...I was not the ONLY one not married and without at least one kid...(although there was only ONE other person there that this was the case for.) We sat around and talked [about kids] and one of the guys said, "I'll say this, never in my life would I have thought I would be 27 and have 3 kids." I added, "Never in my life would I have thought I would be 28 and have none!" But we decided we needed to have made those predictions back in highschool. If we had, they would have all said I'd be the one with a ton of kids already.
I think it was harder Sunday night than it was on Thursday afternoon on my last day with the twins. Thursday felt like it was supposed to, that I was leaving for three days as usual and would enjoy my break. But Sunday night when I was supposed to be rushing to the grocery store, making 4 identical lunches, frantically finish the laundry and pick out my clothes for the week and looking ahead at my evenings in preparation for another week with the twins...I was just getting in from poker night, dropping my stuff in the middle of the floor and climbing in bed [earlier than I ever would have when I knew I HAD to get up early] sad! I don't think I have it in me to start another job in the Fall...